On 6/8/2020 6:46 AM, Antonio Carlini via cctalk wrote:
On 08/06/2020 13:02, emanuel stiebler via cctalk wrote:
Guys be nice! That's the slowest VAX, right?
In a small cabinet, I would take it, simply for that ;-)

In terms of speed I think the MicroVAX I might be even slower, although whether you'd notice would be questionable!

In terms of size the MicroVAX I is considerably more convenient.


But speed is relative. They changed computers where I was studing
electronics from a IBM-1130 to a VAX (something) in 1982.
I could use the IBM but the not VAX because they would have too
many users if that division had access to the VAX, and the
electonics section had PDP8 computers anyway.
So I suspect any VAX with one user would be faster than REAL
world machines in 1980's.
PS:Virtual memory thrashing is what slows a computer down,
not say a 10,000 monkeys typing Shakespeare on ASR-33's.

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