On 6/3/2020 2:30 PM, Will Cooke via cctalk wrote:
On June 3, 2020 at 2:22 PM John Herron via cctalk <cctalk@classiccmp.org> wrote:

I'm not quickly finding it but weren't there some magazines missing or hasit 
been decided all are scanned and it usable quality? I see one 
listhttps://vintageapple.org/byte/ and archive.org also has a collection 
butthey weren't in order in my browser.
The ones at vintageapple.org are almost complete.  Some of the scans are bad 
last time I checked (such as Oct 86 I think.) But that has almost all of them.


Apparently they are complete.

*2/11/19*: Last 8 issues of Byte Magazine added; the Byte archive is now complete. 
Many thanks to The National Museum of Computing in Canada for providing 4 of the 
mising issues. (Please consider donating to them 
<http://www.tnmoc.org/support/make-donation> to support computer history.)

Lots of good Mac stuff there I didn't know about.  Looks like I can offload my 
10 boxes of Mac System 6 and System 7 programming manuals and books to someone 
that wants hardcopy.  Everything I have is in PDF on that site now.

John H. Reinhardt

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