On 5/28/2020 4:50 PM, Eric Smith via cctalk wrote:
On Thu, May 28, 2020 at 2:54 PM Jim Brain via cctalk <cctalk@classiccmp.org>
I see the 16A and the 12/16B as different sublines, as the II/16A used a
passive backplane with cards, while the 12/16B/6000 had a motherboard
with the z80 on it, and the card cage was for extensions (and the 68K
Both sublines merged back together with the 6000
Merged in what sense? AFAICT, aside from branding, the only difference
between the 16B and 6000 was that the latter used the newer 8 MHz version
of the 68000 card, which was also available as an upgrade for the 16B. If
you consider the II/16A as a "subline", I don't see how the 6000 "merged
back" with that subline in any way.
My knowledge of the line is arguable. I do feel the 11/16A differ non
trivially from the 12/16B and I agree the 6000 is closer to the 12/16B.
I guess I meant "merged" in the same way that Windows NT and the Windows
95 sublines "merged" in Windows XP (maybe it was 2000, but I think it
was XP). True, very little if anything was brought over from the
95/98/ME line, but if you wanted to upgrade the 16A, the 16B/6000 was
the next logical step. My other option was to say the II/16A terminated
at the 16A point, but that seems wrong as well.
Jim Brain