On 5/28/20 9:18 AM, William Donzelli wrote:
I once sent them some rather rare documentation (at the suggestion of
other collectors).  I got back a letter with a nasty tone stating they
do not accept unsolicited items.  I have no idea what that meant as to
the continued existence of the item.  It certainly did not come back
to me.

Why did you not ask them first?

Why would I do that?  I had something people said was rare.  I
needed to do something with it.  Suggestions were send it to
the museum.  I have given stuff to other, much smaller museums
in the past that were happily accepted.  Why would you refuse
to accept something given with no strings and even worse send
the donor a nasty letter?

Result is I will never donate anything again.  Who is the loser?


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