On 5/27/2020 8:53 PM, Chris Hanson via cctalk wrote:
On May 27, 2020, at 8:48 PM, Jecel Assumpcao Jr <je...@merlintec.com> wrote:
I would think that if people you liked got replaced with people who
don't care then you might have a major battle trying to get back stuff
you loaned.
It might be a battle, possibly even a major one, but it would be fundamentally
winnable when there’s explicitly no transfer of ownership.
I'm in the process of signing a deed of trust assigning title and
ownership to the CHM in Mountain View of a donation. I did so with a
previous donation.
You have to consign them to history and hope the institution can sustain
the trust they have to do so.
I've talked with one friend there, and am very sad. Saw another early
friend's post on Facebook, who is very sad as well.
That may, of course, be why they told Alan they don’t take loans; they may want
to not worry about dealing with people who want loaned pieces returned, or
dealing with the risk of loss or damage (e.g. insurance), and so on.
-- Chris