The final media size was determined by Shugart Engineering led by Al
Chou from the size of the 8-track tape drive that the 5?-inch FDD was
to replace in Wang and other systems.  As near as I can tell it was
not the same size as a ?standard? cocktail napkin.
"I believe in standards.  Everyone should have [a unique] one [of their
own]." - George Morrow I have seen napkins that are about 5.25".

On Mon, 25 May 2020, Tom Gardner via cctalk wrote:
I did attempt to see if there is a "standard" cocktail napkin size and as
best I can tell it is today 5-inches square not 5?-inches square.

A friend who is a veteran of the paper products industry provided me an
actual cocktail napkin circa 1980 (a promotional give away for his business)
that he recalls was procured to the then standard size which I measured as
5-inches square.  Apparently cocktail napkins have not deflated over the
intervening 40 years :-)

This supports Adkisson's recollection that the customer wanted something
about the size of a cocktail napkin and Chou's description of the
development process that tried to maximize the size of the disk that could
be received in a drive which in turn was designed to fit into the then
existing 8-track tape drive slot.

While 5" seems to be "standard", here is 5.25":

and here is 5" x 5.25"

Cocktail napkin HOLDERS seem to be 5.25", supporting 5" for the napkin.

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