I have a Viewsonic VA912 which has worked well for me before in other
circumstances, but doesn't go down to 26KHz. I can't find a VP150 on ebay or
amazon at the moment, but I will keep a look out and see if there are any
others with a lower horizontal frequency too. Looks like a VX715 might do
the trick and I have found one of those!


From: j...@cimmeri.com <j...@cimmeri.com> 
Sent: 24 May 2020 17:21
To: r...@jarratt.me.uk; Rob Jarratt <robert.jarr...@ntlworld.com>; General
Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts <cctalk@classiccmp.org>
Subject: Re: Alternative Monitor for VAXmate


On 5/23/2020 8:45 AM, Rob Jarratt via cctalk wrote: 

As it looks like I am not going to be able to repair the monitor board for
my VAXmate I am wondering if I can do anything with the outputs from the I/O
board to drive an external monitor instead. 
I had a go at building this
adapter.jpg feeding its output to a composite to VGA device to see if it
would convert it to VGA, but no luck.
Any ideas?

For starters, try a Viewsonic VP-150.   Syncs horizontally from 24-61khz.  I
use these or a 
few other monitors for syncing to odd DEC or HP systems.

- John Singleton  

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