On Fri, 22 May 2020 at 18:21, Fred Cisin via cctalk
<cctalk@classiccmp.org> wrote:
> Similarly, I have a few 3.25" drives.  NO, not 3.5"; not 3.0".  3.25" was
> the entry in the "shirt pocket disk" wars that Dysan bet the company on.
> (remember their disks?)    Another discussion.
I remember the Zenith Minisport, a DOS laptop with 2" floppies:

Don't think I ever saw one in real life, though.

Not sure any other computer ever used those media.

I own a number of Amstrad devices with 3" disks. But I don't think I
ever saw 3¼"!

> OB_Tangent: Georgre Morrow said that the solution would be to cut a deal
> with clothing manufacturers to make shirt pockets 5.25" or even 8"

Ha! :-)

It is a bit funny that people issued diktats, and designed products,
about and around pocket sizes.

Now I am doomed to ridiculously-thin phones with poor battery life.

This device was roundly mocked:

It's about the same thickness as the original hard-disk-based iPods,
which sold in the tens of millions and were regarded as a pinnacle of
miniaturisation. I think our list member Mr Corlett was the first to
note that, that I saw.

> 3.0" drives (Amdek, Amstrad, etc.) use same connectors as "standard"
> 5.25", with "molex" power connector (I don't know what the CORRECT name is
> for that connector).

With some adjustments, anyway, I believe...


> But, I have some 3.25" drives that use same connectors as "standard" 3.5"
> drives, ("4 pin Berg"?)  EXCEPT 5V and 12V are swapped in their positions
> in the coneectors!

:-o Nasty!

Liam Proven – Profile: https://about.me/liamproven
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