> On May 1, 2020, at 1:32 PM, Tony Duell via cctalk <cctalk@classiccmp.org>
> wrote:
> On Fri, May 1, 2020 at 6:20 PM Hugh Pyle <hp...@cabezal.com> wrote:
>> Tony, maybe your collection can help me answer a puzzle: which side is
>> "top"? By my reading, for 8-level tape,
>> - ANSI and other US standards have three data bits / index / then five data
>> bits
>> - ECMA has five/index/three... :)
>> https://twitter.com/33asr/status/1138758004747177984
> As far as I know the 5-hole side is always the most significant 5
> bits, the 3 hole side the least significant 3 bits. In other words the
> holes go :
> 76543S210
> Where S is the sprocket hole and a digit is the bit number (bit 0 is
> the least significant bit).
> As to which way use the tape, with the tape feeding towards you, the
> sprocket hole is normally offset towards the right, that is the bits
> would read with the MSB on the left. I am not sure if that is
> universal though
> -tony
I suppose things get really confusing when dealing with 6 row tape