On 04/26/2020 13:38, Noel Chiappa via cctalk wrote:


I've read manuals for these, but I've never even seen a picture of one before.

They had one of these in use at the William Penn Charter School (K-12 prep school) in Philadelphia through the early 1980s. When in use, I believe it was paired with a Teletype, I would guess a 33 variant but the memories are fuzzy.

I mis-remembered the name for years as a LINC-5 -- understandably confusing to folks who usually expressed polite disbelief when I would describe it...

It was left in the "computer room" (e.g. large closet) and neglected after the last class using it graduated, while younger students were exclusively using the handful of Apple IIs sharing the space. I'm afraid the LINC was picked apart by bored students, who liked to pull out Flip Chips, glance at the components on them, and let the cards pile up in the bottom of the rack... Then it disappeared over break or summer vacation one year, don't recall which.


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