Can you give us a clue as to the locale of those renaissance festivals.
That might prompt me to go.

On Sat, Apr 18, 2020 at 7:40 PM brianb1224 via cctech <>

> There is a lady who collects them also plus the wooden blooms usually at
> the renaissance festivals. Sorry I forgot her name.Sent from my Verizon,
> Samsung Galaxy smartphone
> -------- Original message --------From: Michael Thompson via cctech <
>> Date: 4/18/20  2:14 PM  (GMT-06:00) To: cctech <
>> Subject: Re: Unusual Punched Cards (Peter Van
> Peborgh) >> Guys,>> I have been collecting all types of computer punched
> cards for a few years> now. In the distant past I actually used them!>> I
> am desperately looking for two types I do not have been able to find a>
> sample of:> *       Jacquard fabric/carpet loom cards. OK, not computer but
> the> ancestor, for completeness of the history. There may be several
> formats of> these.>>Something like this?
> Michael Thompson

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