On 2020-04-18 11:09 AM, Rob Jarratt via cctalk wrote:
> I checked Q6 (in circuit), it is not shorted. I have already checked all the 
> electrolytic capacitors for a bad ESR and replaced those where it was high. 
> There are no shorts on the electrolytic capacitors.
> I will have to desolder the transformer and do a ring test on it (I built a 
> ring test circuit some years ago). I don’t think you can do ring tests in 
> circuit can you?

I think more than one of us would be curious about your ring test
circuit design.

I've been slowly learning to design a pwm flyback controller which is
more or less the same thing in principle?


> Regards
> Rob
> From: Mattis Lind <mattisl...@gmail.com> 
> Sent: 18 April 2020 13:31
> To: r...@jarratt.me.uk; Rob Jarratt <robert.jarr...@ntlworld.com>; General 
> Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts <cctalk@classiccmp.org>
> Subject: Re: VAXmate PSU fixed, but no video
> Den lör 18 apr. 2020 kl 13:26 skrev Rob Jarratt via cctalk 
> <cctalk@classiccmp.org <mailto:cctalk@classiccmp.org> >:
> Some of you may recall seeing me post about the VAXmate PSU failure. Thanks
> to members of this list I found the failed part in the PSU and the PSU is
> now working again. However, it looks like the PSU failed because of a
> failure on the monitor board. There is a burning smell coming from it,
> possibly the flyback transformer, but I am not 100% sure. I don't see
> physical damage, but of course that doesn't mean there isn't a problem. When
> I took the monitor board out again after this, I wasn't sure if the EHT lead
> was making good contact with the CRT anode. The monitor board is described
> in section 4.4 of this document:
> http://bitsavers.org/pdf/dec/vaxmate/EK-PC500-TD_VAXmate_Technical_Descripti 
> <http://bitsavers.org/pdf/dec/vaxmate/EK-PC500-TD_VAXmate_Technical_Description_1987.pdf>
> on_1987.pdf
> I need some advice on diagnosing the problem, I have a few questions:
> 1.      If the EHT lead was not properly connected to the CRT anode, could
> that cause problems?
> No, that is unlikely in my opinion 
> 2.      Is there anything I can safely do with a bench power supply to
> isolate the problem? 
> 3.      Any other suggestions for diagnosing the problem?
> Check Q6 transistor. Looking at the picture 4-14, I think it is wrong. But 
> nevertheless check the capacitors C47 and C53.
> It happens that the EHT transformer get short-circuit turns. But it has only 
> occurred to me once. More often a capacitor is bad, a rectifier or the switch 
> transistor.
> If the EHT transformer is bad it performs bad when doing a ringing test.
> Try to find out what is smelling. Check all power semiconductors.
> 4.      There is an outline spec of the flyback transformer in the section
> of the VAXmate technical description, what chance of finding a
> "modern" replacement?
> Usually very low. There are companies selling replacements but there are so 
> many variants so the chances to find one is very low. And there are less and 
> less of these on the market. But it is worth a try to check what they have. 
> It might be the case that they used the same monitor design as some other DEC 
> product. VT420? Then it could possible a better chance finding one. 
> donberg.ie <http://donberg.ie>  seem to have VT420 LOPT.
> /Mattis
> I have posted about the PSU repair here:
> https://robs-old-computers.com/2020/04/18/vaxmate-h7270-psu-fixed-but-no-vid 
> <https://robs-old-computers.com/2020/04/18/vaxmate-h7270-psu-fixed-but-no-video/>
> eo/
> Thanks
> Rob

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