On Mon, Apr 6, 2020 at 4:40 AM Doug Jackson via cctalk
<cctalk@classiccmp.org> wrote:
> for me, the item that usually fails in the WTCP series is the switch at the
> end of the sensor.
> I have replaced the sensors each time, because dammit - My 40 year old iron
> sometimes just needs a new cord, or a new heater, or a new tip, or a new
> sensor.  Best iron I have ever had :-)

The element in my Weller TCP failed a couple of years ago, after 25
years on my bench and having soldered probably hundreds of thousands
of joints. I bought a replacement (not _too_ expensive) and a spare to
go in the tool cupboard. I then realised that if the replacements last
as long as the original I will never have to buy another element, I'll
be gone first!


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