On 2020-02-13 4:26 PM, Toby Thain via cctech wrote:
> Hi,
> I have access to some DEC items for a month or two before a house is
> sold. Photographs are linked here:
> https://imgur.com/a/HqxI4JA
> I can locate and forward any items, if still available, for actual
> shipping costs and any nominal packaging material costs.
> Summary:

Here's an update of what's claimed. The enthusiasm was unexpected.

> CLAIMED - Hitachi ESDI drives
> STILL MANY AVAILABLE - RX50 drives (many)
> CLAIMED - TK50 tapes (many)
> CLAIMED - DEC Professional magazine 1987-1994
> CLAIMED - DECUS software abstracts
> CLAIMED - DECUS software catalogues
> CLAIMED - Controlling Software Projects (DeMARCO)
> CLAIMED - Programming in C with Let's C (Vine)
> CLAIMED - Surefire Programming in C (Stewart)
> CLAIMED - PDP-11 Systems and Options Catalogs 1983-1989
> CLAIMED - Various databooks, DECdirect, etc
> CLAIMED - DECUScope magazines
> CLAIMED - Copies of RT-11 SIG newsletter(s)
> CLAIMED - issues of digital Canadian Digest, 1980s
> CLAIMED - DECUS Canada mailings
> CLAIMED - digital news & review magazines ("The Independent Newspaper & Test 
> Lab
> of Open Computing for DEC Sites")
> CLAIMED - various PDU units (see pic)
> CLAIMED - RD52/RD53 drives
> ABOUT SEVEN UNCLAIMED - But my ability to ship is limited. PICKUP still 
> possible: various empty chassis/backplanes (see pics)
> CLAIMED - BA23 shells (2)
> various tapes, drives (see pics)

^^ Specifically there are several TK25 drives (hard to ship. PICKUP in
Toronto definitely possible)

There are also around 15 (maybe more) TK25 tapes. These are postable.


> As I said, last call, gone in 1-2 months.
> --Toby

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