Getting back on topic - VCF PNW 2020 ... John - thanks for the kind words. The T-shirt is fantastic - I designed it myself. :-) (You can see the mockup on the website.) I still plan on sending t-shirts to all of the exhibitors, volunteers and speakers. And I'll try to do some mail order for people like you who want a great shirt and want to support us.
I had been talking to museum personnel before the decision was made and honestly it was a surprise to me. Things changed very quickly after King County announced guidance asking organizers of large events to consider cancelling them. The exact words regarding large events were: "Event and community gathering considerations - If you can feasibly avoid bringing large groups of people together, consider postponing events and gatherings." It was not a public health order. Vulcan, Inc. is erring on the side of caution and shut the museum down. I had no input or choice in the manner, and regardless of what I think (positive or negative) it is out of my hands. I put an incredible amount of time into this event, and have for the last three years. Right now the mission is to get the word out and try to make it easier for the people who have been impacted. (Plane tickets, travel reservations, vacation time, etc.) I chose to cancel than postpone because we really don't know how far this goes. Perhaps in a few weeks we'll know more, but there are other considerations too including other events (not necessarily ours) that we don't want to conflict with. Thanks for understanding and stay safe ... Mike