tis 2020-02-18 klockan 02:50 -0700 skrev Jim Manley via cctalk: > Not everyone on this list was even alive when much of this happened, > and > others of us were busy dealing with other very important things going > on in > The Real World then, so this is a very interesting story for many. > > Anyone willing to do business with the terrorists in Iran knew why > they > were getting the big bucks to do it. It's like being surprised when > you > get eaten while swimming with Great White sharks - it's in their > nature. A > regime that repeatedly violates sovereign foreign territory in the > form of > embassies and consulates should have been cut off from the rest of > the world on Day One until they dried up and blew away. They laugh > when > others treat them with civility and grant them unearned respect as a > legitimate government.
??? Remember the Monroe doctrine ? Including the overthrow of the monarchy of Hawaii (or Texas for that matter) so whom is/was the bigger shark ? With regards to the Iranian money: the US previously accepted the arbitration. Would the US prefer to not use arbitration at all ? Then it would be a simple matter of who is the strongest.