This is starting to sound like a usenet discussion years ago about the
correct plural of 'VAX' :-)
Vaxen, Vaces, or just multiple VAX installations anybody?
On 25/11/2019 21:19, steve shumaker via cctalk wrote:
On 11/25/19 2:14 PM, Richard Pope via cctalk wrote:
Good one. LOL! :)
GOD Bless and Thanks,
On 11/25/2019 4:10 PM, William Donzelli via cctalk wrote:
Oh goody; when the "intranet" vs. "an internet" vs. "The Internet"
discussion finally gets boring we can argue over the meaning and
function of "switches" vs. "routers" vs. "hubs".
If we are lucky, maybe we can start a new holy war along the lines of
vi vs. emacs.
this list is better than a free movie ticket
Nigel Johnson
Amateur Radio, the origin of the open-source concept!
You can reach me by voice on Skype: TILBURY2591
If time travel ever will be possible, it already is. Ask me again yesterday
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Nigel Johnson <>
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