My interest is I have a S/36 with both TwinAx and SDLC. SDLC is a lot easier to interface to. But I have built a electrical interface board to go from a balun'd RJ11 twin-ax interface to an FPGA with the intent on eventually building an open-source TwinAx <--> USB converter. Sounds like there's a lot of interest. If anyone is wanting to help or test, I'll move this up the priority list.


On 2019-11-18 12:31, Al Kossow via cctalk wrote:
On 11/18/19 9:16 AM, Grant Taylor via cctalk wrote:

Would you please clarify if you have the "Local" or "Remote" 3174?

All of my terminal controllers are remote, since I don't have anything
with a channel.

I have a small S36 in storage which is why I have some interest in
twinax. I guess I'd have more if anyone ever gets S34 or 36 running
in simulation.

I have started collecting ISA/PCI/Nubus cards and software for twinax
to go along with what I've been doing for coax. They are pretty cheap
and available right now (at least the HW, software is harder) with
the exception of the Nubus Coax/Twinax board which is unobtanium.

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