On 11/15/2019 8:09 PM, Fred Cisin via cctalk wrote:
What do the various Hayes modemS do when you type
"aT" ?
I can speak to all modems, as I gave away most of mine.

But the one I have right now has the following behavior:

AT -> OK

at -> OK

aT -> CR, no LF, essentially echoing back the CR that was sent

At -> same


aaaaaaat -> OK

Aaaaaaat -> At behavior

aAAAAAT -> aT behavior

AaaaaaT -> OK (AT found)

aAAAAt -> OK (at found)

abcdefgAT -> OK (AT found)

abcdefgat -> OK (at found)

AbcdefaT -> aT behavior

aBCDEFAt -> At behavior

The rule seems to be:

once you find an a, save it.  If you find more as, just ignore, but if you see a non a non T, reset.  Once a t is found, check case with saved char.  If same case, detect parity and continue with command.
What do they do when you used mixed case?
And, are they all the same?  (as mentioned before, "Hayes Compatible" was never completely defined.)
I have no idea.  Guess I'll have to create a small text file and have people pipe it into modems and see what comes out.
It's been a cool exersize, and sorry I annoyed so many people with the 
trivial details of modems :-)

Jim Brain

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