On 2019-Nov-14, at 6:48 PM, Jim Brain via cctalk wrote:
> Well, I am off and running on getting my version of the code up to speed:
> https://github.com/go4retro/tcpser
> Man, some of this code is rough.  I have learned a lot about writing C code 
> in the last decade+.
> Anyway, while I work on adding the appropriate functionality into the 
> codebase, I find myself ruminating on why there were so many parity options 
> in serial communications.
> I understand the need for parity per se, given link quality and such.  But, 
> why the need for Odd, Even, Mark, Space.  Is there some reason why different 
> parity options work better in certain situations?
> Also, for those wanting to help with some code:
> int detect_parity(modem_config *cfg)
> {
>   int parity, eobits;
>   int charA, charT, charCR;
>   charA = cfg->pchars[0];
>   charT = cfg->pchars[1];
>   charCR = cfg->pchars[2];
>   parity = (charA & 0x80) >> 7;
>   parity |= (charT & 0x80) >> 6;
>   parity |= (charCR & 0x80) >> 5;
>   eobits = gen_parity(charA & 0x7f);
>   eobits |= gen_parity(charT & 0x7f) << 1;
>   eobits |= gen_parity(charCR & 0x7f) << 2;
>   if (parity == eobits)
>     return 2;
>   if (parity && (parity ^ eobits) == (parity | eobits))
>     return 1;
>   return parity & 0x3;
> }
> #define gen_parity(v) (((((v) * 0x0101010101010101ULL) & 
> 0x8040201008040201ULL) % 0x1FF) & 1)
> Fozztexx (Chris Osborn) authored this little slice of code, and it uses the 
> AT<cr> to determine parity of the form:
> space == 0
> odd == 1
> even == 2
> mark == 3
> I'm trying to sort the code out in my head, which will happen, but takes 
> time.  The issue I see with it is the use of the CR as the third char to 
> check.
> Hayes S registers always allows the redefinition of the CR character, via S3. 
>  As such, there's no guarantee line termination = CR, (yes, it's valid for 
> the first AT command, but not after, so if the user does a 8N1 ATS3=15<cr> 
> and then switches to 7E1, the emulator will not handle well.  I agree the 
> likelihood is almost nil someone does this, but tcpser is supposed to be very 
> pedantic on such matters.
> Thus, anyone have a way to discern parity using only the 'A' and 'T' ?  I 
> guess I might be able to still use the terminator, since I know what it is 
> ahead of time, but not sure if the above code works on the principle that the 
> 3 ASCII values have unique traits that would not hold true for other values.

(Without having gone through the code presented in full detail, but thinking 
from root premises.)

ASCII A = 0x41 --> 2 bits on
ASCII T = 0x54 --> 3 bits on

Thus A and T would produce different parity values, and presented with an 
instance of each character it should be possible to discern all 4 potential 
parity encodings (S/O/E/M derived from the 4 combinations possible from 
observing the parity bit from the two character instances 00/10/01/11 (if I 
have parity policy in the right order)).

So it wouldn't seem like the CR would be necessary for the task.

If one assumes ASCII encoding for the A & T it seems to me the code could be 
simpler - e.g. why calculate parity for known characters; but perhaps the 
writer had something more in mind than I'm aware or thinking of.

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