On 11/12/2019 9:45 AM, Jay Jaeger via cctalk wrote:
After months of procrastination and work, my new website has gone live at:


It is a nearly complete makeover.  The home page also has a link to what
my site used to look like.

(Context:  The website used to be at
webpages.charter.net/thecomptuercollection .  However Charter/Spectrum
dropped support of subscriber home pages, so I had to move it to a
hosting service, which I did last year - pretty much intact as it had

That then opened up the opportunity for the website to have a lot more
images and capabilities - the new website is the result.


I have have a 800x600 screen res,so the NEW menu scripts don't work well.I use this res so I can read the read small scripts, bigger in not allways better.

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