Oh the 9058 is the "Q Bus" card with the 50 pin breakout to 34 pin and 20 pin lines for the various drives. That's not the RQDX3, and I don't need that since I have the BA23 with a bulkhead connector.

And yes, I do remember nothing could be after a RQDX1 or 2 so they had to be in the last unused slot on the box with a grant card needed if the slot above and to the right was open. They do use DMA/NPG.

Off to look up the jumper settings and see if this RQDX3 is configured properly....


On 10/29/2019 9:34 PM, Nigel Johnson via cctalk wrote:

On 29/10/2019 20:37, Chris Zach via cctalk wrote:
The M9058 can plug in to any general slot in Qbus for power and does not
past interrupt or DMA grant.  Bottom/end of the bus is fine.

Interesting, I didn't realize the RQDX series boards didn't use interrupts or DMA. Does the CPU just poll them endlessly?

RQDX1 and 2 did not pass them but used them. (Maybe not NPG)  I believe the RQDX3 did, however.


Nigel Johnson


Amateur Radio, the origin of the open-source concept!

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