On 26.10.19 11:00, nico de jong via cctech wrote:
Hi all,
Back in the 70's and 80's Philips had a quite popular series of mini computers
called P800, which also branched out to the PTS series and possibly other.
Could I be lucky to find other list members interested in these products? I
know of a few, but there surely must be others. I'm trying to collect what is
left of the documentation.
73, Nico
Wel I am of course, but then you knew that !
Currently I have -:
- a P857
- a P856 missing the box, PS & backplane ( simple enough to reproduce )
- a measuring system based on the P854 CPU ( the same I brought you )
- a P851, missing the backplane, frontpanel, a serial card and the PSU.
- 2 single-chip P800 CPU's
I have documentation on the P852, P956, P833 digital cassette
On software side not much : a single cassette with Fortran & manuals.
Yes, we should get Al interested in these ! But AFAIK they never made in to the
Regards, Jos