On 2019-10-26 19:44, Tony Duell via cctalk wrote:
On Sat, Oct 26, 2019 at 6:36 PM nico de jong via cctalk
<cctalk@classiccmp.org> wrote:
Hi all,
Back in the 70's and 80's Philips had a quite popular series of mini
computers called P800, which also branched out to the PTS series and
possibly other.
Could I be lucky to find other list members interested in these
products? I know of a few, but there surely must be others. I'm trying
to collect what is left of the documentation.
My first minicomputer (which I still have and can see from where I am sitting)
was a Philips P850. I now also own a P851 and a P854 (both with floppy drives)
and lots of spares.
As for documentation I have the CPU (only) technical manual for the P850,
the 2 volumes of schematics for the P851 and the preliminary manual (alas
without the microcode source) for the P854. Some other schematics for
things like the P854's PSU, the 4 channel serial port, floppy disk system, etc.
User manuals for at least the P850 and P851. And some software-related
manuals, manuals on related machines, etc but I would have to check exactly
what I have there.
Hi Tony
The manuals you mention, don't ring a bell.
We have now more-or-less rejuvenated a PTS6813 aka P857, although
without the discs.
Furthermore, we have the parts to build a P852 from spare parts.
In order to test things, I've developped a simulator and assembler for
the P857, although without floating point and I/O processor, as I have
no documentation for that, so maybe I can harvest something from the
documents you have. Are the mailable, or do you need to scan them first?