On 10/3/2019 1:04 PM, Guy Sotomayor Jr via cctalk wrote:
>> On Oct 3, 2019, at 10:26 AM, Paul Koning via cctalk <cctalk@classiccmp.org> 
>> wrote:
>>> On Oct 3, 2019, at 12:39 PM, Chuck Guzis via cctalk <cctalk@classiccmp.org> 
>>> wrote:
>>> On 10/3/19 9:01 AM, Noel Chiappa via cctalk wrote:
>>>> The PDP-6 and KA10 (basically a re-implementation of the PDP-6 
>>>> architecture)
>>>> both had cheapo versions where addresses 0-15 were in main memory, but also
>>>> had an option for real registers, e.g. in the PDP-6: "The Type 162 Fast
>>>> Memory Module contains 16 words with a 0.4 usecond cycle." The KA10 has
>>>> a similar "fast memory option".
>>> A bit more contemporary example might be the low-end PIC
>>> microcontrollers (e.g. the 12F series).   Harvard architecture (14 bit
>>> instructions, 8 bit data), but data is variously described as
>>> "registers" (when used an instruction operand) or "memory" when
>>> addressed indirectly.   That is, the 64 bytes of SRAM can be referred to
>>> as either a memory location or as a register operand.
>> Then again, the PDP-10 has that "two ways to refer to it" as well.  In that 
>> case, you do have dedicated register logic, and what happens is that memory 
>> addresses 0-15 are instead redirected to the register array.  The same 
>> applies to the EL-X8.  The way you can address things doesn't necessarily 
>> tell you what sort of storage mechanism is used for it.
> So does the PDP-11.  The 8 registers are mapped to the top 8 words of memory 
> so you can do some quite interesting things.  It is also possible to run a 
> (small) program in only the registers (e.g. no memory at all).
> TTFN - Guy
FYI, not ALL PDP-11 implementations can do this.  In particular, the J11
(used in PDP-11/73 and others) does not map the registers into memory
locations.  I suspect, but have not verified, that any PDP-11 processor
with multiple register sets (e.g., one for user one for kernel, etc.)
are likely to behave this way.

(One on one reply since the message was quite old.)


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