At 04:46 PM 25/09/2019 -0500, you wrote:
>If enough people want them, and someone gets a winning bid, then they can
>come to me and I will repackage and ship them for the actual cost of
Thanks for the kind offer. Where are you, relative to the seller?

I can see a problem though. Isn't it impossible to have ebay-won 
items shipped to other than one's ebay-verified address? I'm not sure...
I know to get things sent to my reshipper, I have to have them set
as my 'real address' before bidding. 

That's why I asked if anyone is close enough to pick up the boards.
Not to mention sidestepping the seller's problematical packing intentions.


>-----Original Message-----
>From: cctalk [] On Behalf Of Guy Dunphy
>via cctalk
>Sent: Wednesday, September 25, 2019 4:01 PM
>To: Brent Hilpert; General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts
>Subject: Re: HP vintage boards being sold as scrap
>At 12:00 PM 25/09/2019 -0700, you wrote:
>>On 2019-Sep-25, at 3:07 AM, Guy Dunphy via cctalk wrote:
>>> Does anyone else recognise some of the other boards?
>>There is a stack of IO interface boards, including HSTs, for the HP
>2100/1000 series there.
>>Lower-right stack in this pic, 7 boards, boards have one red and one grey
>>"HS Terminal" is discernible on one of them, and the one on top looks to be
>an HS Terminal as well.
>>Can't be certain about the others but they have the same size IO connector,
>they may all be HSTs.
>>HSTs are the basic RS232 & current loop, async serial-line interface
>boards, 12531D, used for the console and such in the 2100/1000 series,
>>going back to the early machines of the series.
>>(HS is 'High-Speed', but that's relative to the late-60s, billed for up to
>2400bps, but it is possible to operate them at higher speeds).
>>I'd buy one for, say 60$, if someone picks up the bunch and wants to flog
>Sigh. And here I am putting together a rack with a HP 1000 system.
>Though, some of those edge connectors look corroded.
>I really would like those DtoA boards. So many! I have both a 3497A and the
>3498A extender
>plus a need for lots of cards for them. Plus I have the service manual with
>so can repair them.
>Anyway... the seller is listed as being in Warren, Rhode Island, United
>I'm in Australia, and have a reshipper in the US. BUT, the reshipper is on
>the west coast.
>Is there anyone on this list who lives in that area who could pick them up,
>then pack and post
>small sets of boards? I can afford to bid (fingers crossed), but _can't_
>afford the postage
>of "90 lbs" across the continent. Let alone to Australia.
>The one existing bid, is that anyone here?
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