> On Aug 28, 2019, at 4:15 AM, Marvin Johnston via cctalk 
> <cctalk@classiccmp.org> wrote:
> I'm just curious how many people have powered up their TRS-80 computers, and 
> ended up with a bang and a room filled with smoke?
> So far, I've gotten the fireworks in two out of two TRS-80s (model 3 and 4) 
> when they were powered up. In both cases, the problem was with the main line 
> filter capacitor mounted on one of the power supplies. The computers 
> continued to work which was my first clue the problem was not serious :).
> Is this a normal problem with these older computers? I'm used to seeing the 
> electrolytics give problems, but this is the first time I've seen one of the 
> X type line filter caps blow.

This is well known issue on all Models of TRS-80, except the Model I.  In fact, 
it is almost guaranteed that your power supply main Rifa filter capacitor will 
blow within a few minutes of when you first power up one of these TRS-80s after 
sitting for years if you have the original caps.  So much so that I was able to 
record one fail in spectacular fashion.

https://youtu.be/njbwdbcfXjc <https://youtu.be/njbwdbcfXjc>

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