On Thu, Aug 22, 2019 at 06:30:10PM +0000, Henk Gooijen via cctalk wrote: > A few weeks ago I shipped approx 39 kilos from The Netherlands to USA (HP > A990). At least in Holland, most shippers do not accept such heavy stuff (max > 30 kilos).
Yeah, well, "dat kan niet" *is* the Dutch motto. I'm surprised it's not on the passport. > Only UPS did … and yes, the “horror” stories *are* true. They managed to drop > the package. Not from 4 inches above ground, but more, because a *steel > corner* had a dent! Hence that old joke: "If being air dropped out of a C-130 into a minefield constitutes 'moderately rough handling', what constitutes 'very rough handling'?" "Being shipped UPS".