Al Kossow via cctalk writes:

> On 8/14/19 8:53 AM, Anders Nelson via cctalk wrote:
>> I hope this thread will be written to a blog post
> Buried in a filing cabinet in the basement with a sign that says
> "Beware of Leopard".
> Blogs are a stupid way to archive information, almost as stupid as
> putting it on Facebook.

The problem is not archiving, but rather retrieving the data.

As a current example, I am looking for information on the Jonas Escort computers. A slight misspelling (Jonas instead of Jonos) resulted in a whole slew of graphic escort services. And spelling it properly has resulted in basically zero useful information about the computer itself.

It is hard to believe the almost total lack of information on the Jonos. If the scarcity is real, it must be worth at least as much as the Apple I :).

And ditto for the Molecular Computer although not as bad as the Jonos.

BTW, these are two computers I'm looking at bringing to VCFMW if there is any serious interest.

Instead of the search engines working to improve AI, they should be putting more effort into ESP.


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