in the late 1960s and up thru 1979 UTexas at Arlington Computer Science initially only offered a Masters, and was housed in Industrial Engineering. If you wanted an undergrad degree in "computing" you went thru the math department and got a BA or BS in mathematics with an emphasis in computing. I took a *lot* of CS classes and a couple EE tclasses to build my own CS curriculum on top of my BS-Math.
In 1979 when I graduated I could have gotten one of the first BS in Computer Science and Engineering instead of Math. But, I just stoop to taking a 3-unit class for a semester in mechanical drawing which was madnatory for engineering degrees at that time. Has never been a problem, and I enjoyed my math classes. Lee Courtney Lee Courtney On Tue, Aug 13, 2019 at 12:04 PM Yeechang Lee via cctech <> wrote: > Adam Thornton <> says: > > The genealogy of Computer Science departments (and their curricula) > > (at least in the US) is also weird and historically-contingent. > > Basically it seems to have been a tossup at any given school whether > > it came out of the Electr[ical|onic] Engineering department, in > > which case it was memories and logic gates and a bottom-up, > > hardware-focused curriculum, or out of the Mathematics department, > > in which case it was algorithms and complexity analysis and a > > software-focused curriculum. > > Yes, I've noticed the same thing. Example: Harvard's CS department is > originally from the math side, while MIT's is from EE (thus today's > EECS). > > Berkeley = EE > Brown = Math > BYU = Math > Caltech = EE > Columbia = EE > Cornell = Operations research, math > Dartmouth = Math > Illinois = Math > NYU = Both (because Polytechnic developed its own CS program long > before NYU acquired it to regain an engineering school) > Penn = EE > UCLA = OR (probably because of the RAND heritage) > > Caltech until very recently did not formally offer CS degrees; > students received degrees in Engineering and Applied Science, with a > focus on CS (or aeronautics, or civil, or ME). > > Illinois is an example of a track we might call "other" or even > "defense". With government funding the university built its own > computers (including ILLIAC and PLATO), and the group that did so > became the CS department, but the undergraduate CS program began > within the math department. Harvard's and Penn's programs might also > qualify. > > Undergraduate CS degrees are BA (Example: Harvard), BS (Example: > Penn), or both (Example: Columbia). At Penn one must be an engineering > student to major in CS. At Columbia one can major in CS in either the > liberal arts or engineering schools, but with different > curriculums. At Yale there is one undergraduate school, within which > one can receive a BA or BS in CS, with different curriculums. Cornell, > Northwestern, and Berkeley offer CS in their separate liberal arts and > engineering schools; undergraduates receive BA or BS degrees with > identical CS curriculums, with only other requirements differing. > > I've read that medical schools are good at teaching either > pharmacology (drugs), or pathology (diseases); perhaps this is also > because of the expertise/specialty of their early faculty members. > > -- > geo:37.783333,-122.416667 > -- Lee Courtney +1-650-704-3934 cell