I just received a pile of goodies from BT Federal, the last remaining bit of Control Data. Part of the goodies included a complete set of spare CPU boards for a Cyber 960. This means my extra Cy960 is surplus to my needs - I bought it strictly as a source of spare parts.
So it needs to go. The world is not all DEC and IBM. Play around with machine that has Seymour's fingerprints all over it. This is an ex-Florida Light and Power box. Mind you, this is a serious machine. It sucks a lot of power, and weighs a lot. 5000 pounds total in three cabinets. Completely over engineered. See the cray-cyber guys website for more specs. This is the CPU only - no disks or tapes, but I could include a DI with it (sort of a channel attached comms box for connecting terminals, printers, and networks). I think the cray-cyber guys are working on getting an emulator working for disk and tape. Software and docs are very available. No goofy license needed. Anyway, available pretty much immediately. Located in the Hudson Valley of NY. Serious machine, so serious inquiries only, please (off list). -- Will