The VT320 can use an LK401 or an LK201. I have a defective LK201 you can have 
for shipping, if you want to repair it.
The M0110 keyboards usually used Alps SKCC tall cream switches.
I have one complete one   and an 
M0110 missing a couple of caps that I will sell for half that.


-----Original Message-----
From: cctech [] On Behalf Of Adam Thornton 
via cctech
Sent: Wednesday, July 31, 2019 8:33 PM
Subject: A few VT-320 and keyboard questions

I just picked up a VT-320, with no keyboard.

I have some questions:

1) the price on DEC keyboards, at least on eBay, is insane.  Does anyone have a 
VT-320 keyboard they’d be willing to let go cheaply?

2) …or, failing that, I found a posting of someone who’d done an Arduino-based 
key code mapper that let him use a PS/2 (or maybe it was an AT) keyboard as a 
replacement.  The link to the actual project was dead, though.  Anyone have 
schematic and source code for such a project?

3) If anyone's got a DB-9-or-25-to-MMP cable you’d sell cheap, I’d be happy to 
buy it instead or making my own.  OK, that’s not really a question.  There’s a 
blank insert where the 25-pin connector usually is; was that a “feature” of the 
B2 model?  (that’s a question but not much of one)

…aaaaand while I’m here, another question.

4) I have a number of Apple IIs and one III that have sustained some keyboard 
damage.  Where can I get/what is the name of the little plus-shaped keyboard 
stems for those?  If I had a couple dozen that would be most helpful.


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