 Note that Bletchley Park is now split into two. (don't ask) and Colossus
and the Bombe re-build are now at TNMOC not at Bletchley Park. Its on the
same site but two Museums.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: cctalk <cctalk-boun...@classiccmp.org> On Behalf Of Jack Harper via
> cctalk
> Sent: 06 July 2019 17:31
> To: cct...@classiccmp.org
> Subject: Re: Wtd: advice upcoming visit to Bletchley Park / comp museum
> Bill,
> If I were on such a tight schedule, I would as you say rent a car, but
> from Gatwick - drive that night late to a hotel in Milton Keynes about
> miles north of Bletchley.
> About 90 miles Gatwick to Milton Keyes - two hours or so late at night.
> Avis has a return site at Milton Keynes.  Leave the car there at Avis.
> Thursday morning, I would take a taxi to Bletchley Park - the place opens
> 0930.
> Spend 1.5 hours or some such max at Bletchley - Train back to Gatwick.
> I know that you can easily get to London Euston from Bletchley - trains
> about every twenty minutes I recall, but I do not know how to get to
> from Euston - figure that out.
> It would all be very tight, but Bletchley Park is an amazing place to see
> only 1.5 hours there would be better than nothing.
> Here is a snap I took of the "Mansion" when there 15 years
> ago:  http://frobenius.com/bletchley/bl012.jpg
> If I could see only a couple of things:   Hut 8 where Turing used to
> do his thing and, of course, the Colossus rebuild.
> It is easy to spend two days there, which I did 2004.
> Best,
> Jack Harper
> Evergreen, Colorado USA
> At 03:54 AM 7/6/2019, Bill Degnan via cctech wrote:
> >Hi...I am arriving at Gatwick Airport this weds evening1045pm and I
> >have a
> >17 hour layover.  I'd like to visit the national computer museum at
> >bletchley park about an hour north.  I see I can rent a car from the
> >airport and drive to a hotel near the  museum.  There are a few hotels
> >with
> >24/7 desks.  Concerns?  Total time in England is 17 hours, 8 of which
> >needed for sleep, plus travel to and from the airport and museum.  Not
> >sure how efficient the car rental return process is, etc.  Need some
> >buffer for unknowns Thanks in advance
> >
> >Bill
> Jack Harper, President
> Secure Outcomes Inc
> 2942 Evergreen Parkway, Suite 300
> Evergreen, Colorado 80439 USA
> 303.670.8375
> 303.670.3750 (fax)
> http://www.secureoutcomes.net for Product Info.

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