Anybody have any docs on the DEC LSI 11/93 (KDJ11-E)?
I have a suspect one and am looking for schematics, configuration data
etc. I am trying to run it in a BA23 backplane and seemingly geting bus
hangs as is there is something that it is looking for that is not there!
On 06/07/2019 13:00, wrote:
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Today's Topics:
1. Re: is down or?... (Noel Chiappa)
2. Re: is down or?... (ben)
3. Email delivery protocols / methods. (Grant Taylor)
4. Re: Email delivery protocols / methods. (Dennis Boone)
5. Re: Email delivery protocols / methods. (Diane Bruce)
6. Re: Email delivery protocols / methods. (Diane Bruce)
7. Question about Apple /// (Adam Thornton)
8. Lots of Apple 1 computers @ VCF West (Evan Koblentz)
9. Re: Question about Apple /// (Jecel Assumpcao Jr.)
10. Re: Email delivery protocols / methods. (Dennis Boone)
11. RE: Email delivery protocols / methods.
12. RE: Email delivery protocols / methods. (Dave Wade)
13. Re: Email delivery protocols / methods. (Bill Gunshannon)
14. Re: Lots of Apple 1 computers @ VCF West (John Herron)
15. Re: Email delivery protocols / methods. (Peter Coghlan)
16. Re: Email delivery protocols / methods. (Peter Corlett)
17. Re: Email delivery protocols / methods. (Jason T)
18. Re: Lots of Apple 1 computers @ VCF West (ED SHARPE)
19. Re: Lots of Apple 1 computers @ VCF West (ED SHARPE)
20. Re: Lots of Apple 1 computers @ VCF West (Evan Koblentz)
21. Re: Question about Apple /// (Jim Manley)
22. Re: Lots of Apple 1 computers @ VCF West (Evan Koblentz)
23. Re: Question about Apple /// (ED SHARPE)
24. Re: Lots of Apple 1 computers @ VCF West (Evan Koblentz)
25. Re: Lots of Apple 1 computers @ VCF West (Guy Dunphy)
26. Re: Question about Apple /// (Bill Degnan)
27. Re: Email delivery protocols / methods. (Noel Chiappa)
28. Re: Wtd: advice upcoming visit to Bletchley Park / comp
museum (Mattis Lind)
29. Re: Question about Apple /// (ED SHARPE)
30. Re: Wtd: advice upcoming visit to Bletchley Park / comp
museum (Peter Corlett)
31. Wtd: advice upcoming visit to Bletchley Park / comp museum
(Bill Degnan)
32. Re: Email delivery protocols / methods. (David Bridgham)
33. Re: Email delivery protocols / methods. (David Bridgham)
34. QSIC, was: Re: Email delivery protocols / methods.
(emanuel stiebler)
Message: 1
Date: Fri, 5 Jul 2019 13:33:38 -0400 (EDT)
From: (Noel Chiappa)
Subject: Re: is down or?...
Message-ID: <>
> From: Tomasz Rola
> Is it really down?
I suppose this is actually good news, in a way - someone must have been
trying to use it, to notice that it was down! :-)
So let me take this opportunity to appeal once again for people to contribute
content; I've added a lot of PDP-11 stuff, and Lars and I sporadically add
PDP-10 stuff (not that very many actually have a hardware -10 :-), but
_everything else_ could use more content. So if you have a particular focus -
please consider contributing your knowledge in that area!
Message: 2
Date: Fri, 5 Jul 2019 11:46:30 -0600
From: ben <>
Subject: Re: is down or?...
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed
On 7/5/2019 11:33 AM, Noel Chiappa via cctalk wrote:
> From: Tomasz Rola
> Is it really down?
I suppose this is actually good news, in a way - someone must have been
trying to use it, to notice that it was down! :-)
So let me take this opportunity to appeal once again for people to contribute
content; I've added a lot of PDP-11 stuff, and Lars and I sporadically add
PDP-10 stuff (not that very many actually have a hardware -10 :-), but
_everything else_ could use more content. So if you have a particular focus -
please consider contributing your knowledge in that area!
It looks up from here. Wow all those banks of EVIL computers behind that
man in the photo. Ben.
Message: 3
Date: Fri, 5 Jul 2019 15:05:32 -0600
From: Grant Taylor <>
To: cctalk <>
Subject: Email delivery protocols / methods.
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed
Here's pot stirrer for a holiday Friday afternoon:
How many different protocols / methods can we collectively come up with
for how email can be transferred?
I'm primarily thinking about between servers (MTA-to-MTA). But I'm also
willing to accept servers and clients (MTA-to-MUA). Where you can /
could run at least one server yourself.
? UUCP (rmail)
? X.400
? Microsoft Exchange proprietary protocol
? Novell GroupWise proprietary protocol
? Lotus (IBM) Domino proprietary protocol
? FidoNet (FTN)
? Direct file access - group Post Office
? Direct file access - mail spool
Nigel Johnson
Amateur Radio, the origin of the open-source concept!
You can reach me by voice on Skype: TILBURY2591
If time travel ever will be possible, it already is. Ask me again yesterday
This e-mail is not and cannot, by its nature, be confidential. En route from me
to you, it will pass across the public Internet, easily readable by any number
of system administrators along the way.
Nigel Johnson <>
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