On Fri, June 28, 2019 18:57, Fred Cisin via cctalk wrote:
>>> I saw this half-dollar sized plastic fob on the desk and asked what it
>>> was for.
> On Fri, 28 Jun 2019, Liam Proven via cctalk wrote:
>> If I may just say -- only about 5% of humanity know how big that is. I
>> don't. I don't even know if a half a dollar is a note or a coin, and
>> that's without getting extra-pedantic and pointing out that about a
>> dozen countries call their currencies the "dollar".
>> :-(
> Oh, FAR FAR FAR less than 5%.
> Most residents of USA haven't seen a half dollar or "50 cent piece" in
> decades.  They are as much of an oddity as the $2 bill.  They are
> nominally still in circulation, most recent being JFK, but I think that
> they stopped making them in 2002, and there are federal vaults full of
> uncirculated pre-2002 coins.  Most recent has a portrait of Kennedy.
> They are 30.61mm diameter, which is the largest relatively recent
> USA coin (not counting the long discontinued 38.1mm SILVER DOLLAR)
snip snip snip

> --
> Grumpy Ol' Fred               ci...@xenosoft.com

How odd & funny!

Being a Dutchman, I do have a few half dollars, 2 $2 bills and 2
Susan B. Antony 1 dollar coins. Oh, and a silver dollar which is
pretty large.

Where I got those? Well, Las Vegas for the half dollar coins (slot
machines), change given back (the $2 bills), and a cable car ticket
vending machine in SF (the $1 coins).
Can't remember where I got the silver dollar from tough.

Still have them because I just liked them.

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