On 6/28/2019 11:59 AM, Nemo Nusquam via cctalk wrote:
On 06/28/19 13:18, Alan Perry via cctalk wrote (in part):
One big problem with dollar coins is cash trays need to be redesigned for them. Maybe if the US got rid of the penny (like Canada has) there would be somewhere to put dollar coins in a register and they would be used more often.

Canada also replaced the $1- and $2-bill with coins (26.5mm and 28mm, resp.).

I like $1 bills better than coins here in CANADA. The lack of pennies is
real pain, as 3 cents rounds up to 5 cents for cash. but credit/bank card is still in cents.
Will trade new $1 coins for old dirty $1 US bills. :)

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