On Wed, Jun 19, 2019 at 9:23 PM Bob Smith via cctalk
<cctalk@classiccmp.org> wrote:
> My recollection, Unix on the 11 started with the 20 but because of the
> limited capabilties, it really was done on the /45.

The good stuff, yes, but it was still recognizable on the 11/20...


> > unix developed on 11/20 with 20 on panel or machine that just said pdp/11?

Based on comments from Ken Thompson at his keynote at VCF East this
year, just "PDP-11" (he specifically asked if anyone in the audience
had ever touched _that_ version, no "/20").

> The three rings or 3 execution levels were not supported on the
> original machine.

Sure but v1/v2 UNIX was a lot simpler than v5.


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