On 2019-06-12 11:46 p.m., Paul Anderson via cctalk wrote: > I'm sorting out a bunch of SIMMS and would like to identify the type of > system they are from and the size. Does anyone know of any published lists > that could help me ID them? > [...] > 54-24829-DA > 54-20352-01 > 54-21139-CL > 54-21225 > 54-20410-01 > 54-20116
Those ones starting with 54- all look like DEC part numbers for individual SIMMs that (at least in some cases) were used to make up a larger kit with a completely different name. E.g., the 54-21139-CL are 4MB SIMMs that were sold in sets of 8 as the MS15-CA 32MB kit. Unfortunately, I have no idea what the others are. Just that they might be part of different kits.