I have been working on it for the past week, and I would say the I have my
system 95% functional as of now.

On Sun, Jun 9, 2019 at 9:05 AM Noel Chiappa <j...@mercury.lcs.mit.edu> wrote:

>     > unlike my M8017, it will actually respond to my inputs on my
>     > terminal. I'm pretty sure I may just have the card configured
>     > incorrectly, but I'm not going to worry about that for now.
> If the M8017 is actually broken, I would be more than happy to trade a
> working, tested DLV11-J (useful for TU58 emulation :-) for it, as I'd
> like to have a DLV11-E for my collection.

Taking a closer look at it, it appears that I did not have my connector
built correctly. It seems to work now.

I got the tu58em software running on my laptop, interfected to my system
via the DLV11-J I have. I was able to load XXDP and RT-11 more or less
without a hitch. Typing in the bootstrap code is a real pain to do every
time I want to boot the system, so I really need to get that MXV11-A
working. While RT-11 boots, I am seeing some oddities that don't show up
under a normal 11/03 emulated under SIMH.

 - Upon startup, the DIR command will refuse to list the directory, and
just return a "?MON-F-Trap to 4 020142" error. This issue can be corrected
by running V2.1 BASIC or another application, which then after the DIR
command will work normally.

- Also upon startup, sometimes normal RT-11 commands such as DATE and D
will return ?KMON-F-File not found DK:*.SAV. This has like a 50% chance of

- Saving a file under K52 where the file length has been shortened will
also return a ?MON-F-Trap error, and refuse to save the file correctly.
This only happens sometimes.

I am betting (or hoping) that this is just an issue with the TU58 emulator
I am using, and not something wrong with the CPU. I have parts on the way
for a RX02 emulator, so hopefully that will fix some of the issues I have
having (and make it faster too).

On top of that, the RUN/HALT and LTC lights on the front panel still do not
function, even thought the switches clearly work and the computer responds
accordingly. I am betting this is an issue with on the board somewhere, but
as it does not impede functionality I am fine with it for now.

One last question, besides TU58 and RX02, are there any other good storage
options for a Q/Q 16 bit backplane PDP-11. I know there are SCSI hard drive
boards for the 18 and 22 bit backplanes, but it would be nice if there was
one that could work with my 16 bit H11A.

Well, this project has been a lot of fun. Thank you for all the help you
guys have gave me. Gavin.

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