I have a PDP-11/23+ with two RL02's in a corporate cabinet but no floppy drives. Also an RXV21 (M8029) card.

My PDP-8/A has RX01 drives, and I was hoping just to run the cable over to the -11 when I wanted to use floppies on it. But after some searching, it appears that the RXV21 will only work with an RX02 drive...

Just wondering what my options are for hooking up any kind of floppy drives.
I could sell the RXV21 and buy/trade for an RXV11 (M7946) instead, to use with the RX01 in the other rack. Or look for an RX02 that won't break the bank - but that won't fit in the corporate cabinet. I do have another cabinet but it's got other rack-mount gear in it at the moment. What about smaller drives (RX50? RX33?)... can those be interfaced to the 11/23+ Qbus?
Other thoughts?

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