a pity there are not name captions for those of us that do not travel well to be these in person.
Great photo collection though! Ed# In a message dated 3/31/2019 8:46:29 AM US Mountain Standard Time, cctalk@classiccmp.org writes: One last spam from VCF PNW 2019 ... Send us your Photos! We want to put together a shared photo album so thatpeople can see the event from different perspectives. It's a Google Photosalbum, so if you are a Google Photos user sharing is easy. If you are nota Google Photos user or you have concerns/questions please let me know andI'll work out an alternative. The shared album can be found at:https://photos.app.goo.gl/e2rzk4iT4aHrQUoy6 Help us make VCF events better! If you were at the event last weekend Ihave a quick survey that I'd like you to fill out. The survey will help usshape future events. The survey is anonymous; we are not collecting emailaddresses unless you want to get a chance at a free t-shirt. (And eventhen, we are only using the email address for that single purpose.) The survey link is: https://goo.gl/forms/V3DiyxwkpbIOCKn73 Direct feedback by email also works well. Thanks,mikemich...@vcfed.org or mbbrut...@brutman.com