On 3/28/19 5:17 PM, Eric Korpela via cctalk wrote:
> If it's like the PC version, the two populated ROMS are firmware for the
> 80186 and the 82586.   The empty socket is the boot prom.
> On Thu, Mar 28, 2019 at 1:35 PM Phil Blundell via cctalk <
> cctalk@classiccmp.org> wrote:
>> On Thu, 2019-03-28 at 17:02 +0000, Phil Blundell via cctalk wrote:
>>> I'll see if I can locate my unit later and confirm that.
>> FWIW...
>> https://photos.app.goo.gl/2mohWXwcdBS8uE9T9

Wow....  That looks like the card TRWIND made whan IO was working
for them.  Only with a 3Com label instead of the TRW label.  :-)
It could be used in both smart and dumb mode (with the 186 chip
removed).  It was usually used in dumb mode as there was never any
advantage to running it in smart mode.  Even if you loaded up the
RAM chips on the end of the card.  I'll bet I still have some of
those 80186 chips sitting in a box around here somewhere.  I did
eventually get rid of the boards I  had as I haven't seen a box
with an ISA slot in over a decade.


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