At 06:59 PM 10/03/2019 -0400, you wrote:
>> On March 10, 2019 at 6:10 PM ben via cctalk <> wrote:
>> On 3/10/2019 3:18 PM, Murray McCullough via cctalk wrote:
>> > Back in 1965 Jack Kilby, Jerry Merryman and James Van Tassel at texas
>> > Instruments created an integrated circuit designed to replace the
>> > calulator. Historians, though not all, credit this development as the
>> > beginning of the electronic-computing revolution that was truly underway by
>> > the mid-70s. Vintage/classic computing our hobby goes back that far as us
>> > baby-boomers can attest to.
>> > 
>> > Happy computing all!
>> So do have more information on said device?
>> I am using a 2901 bit slice and that came out in 1975. :)
>> Ben.
>Here is a little bit of info on it:

That's fascinating, thanks. I'd never heard of it.

The Intel 4004 came out in 1971.
I'd understood that was the first chip that could be considered a 'processor' 
(though it required some support chips to do anything.)
The TI Cal-Tech design was begun in 1965 and they had a working calculator in 
1967. I wonder if the chips in that had any kind of code programmability?


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