Another VCF is upon us ...

VCF PNW 2019 takes place March 23rd and 24th at Living
Computers:Museum+Labs in Seattle.  We have 30 exhibits (up from 20 last
year) and six speakers, including Joe Decuir, IEEE Fellow.  Our exhibits

Josh Dersch with Three Rivers PERQ workstations
David Cooper with a VAX cluster
Vince Slyngstad demonstrating PDP-8 reapirs
Foone Turing with his collection of floppy and optical disks
Joerg Hoppe with BlinkenBone and UniBone (w/ Josh)
Oscar Vermuelen with his replicas of the PDP-8, 11, and LGP-30
Ian Finder, over-achieving with two exhibits and helping on third
Alan Perry with his SPARC clones
Some rif-raff with their 8 bit home machines. ;-0

Admission is free once you pay to get into the museum.  And of course the
museum is worth checking out even without us, but we are going to make it
that much better.

We'll have a consignment room if you want to do some treasure hunting.  (If
you are looking to sell some treasure, that works too - you don't have to
participate in the event to use the consignment room.)

Full details can be found at .  Or email me
directly if you have questions.


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