Brent Hilpert writes:

> On 2019-Mar-05, at 10:07 PM, Richard Loken wrote:

>> TRIUMF was using /11s for cyclotron control I believe, that's not
>> where you anticipate UNIX showing up.
>> But was it Unix or something else like RT-11?  Or was it a VAX?

> Well, I don't know for certain, I was just trying to recall where I was
> aware of there being /11's around campus.
> I had the impression from somewhere at the time that /11s were running
> the cyclotron, or were present in some significant capacity at TRIUMF.

When I toured SLAC at Stanford in the late '90s I was surprised to
see the miles and miles of coax from the collider's sensors/detectors
terminating at a long row of PDP-11s.  Turns out the '11s had custom-
designed boards that filtered out all the crap from the collider
events before passing the "useful" data upstream for analysis.
(This is based on questions I asked the grad student conducting the
tour.)  I never thought to ask which OS the '11s were running.

Maybe TRIUMF was doing something similar?  


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