Christian, there is the document "9915-TapeDuplicationAndEPROMProgrammingSoftware-09915-10011-46pages-Jul83.p df" on the HP-.Museum web site.
I think the associated software is not available, but it also uses the TAPDUP binary (pg. 1-2) and the same IMAGE program. The binary itself was part of this and is not documented (it was considered part of the whole package). What is available via M. Craggs web site are the files from a "Hybrid ROM Creation Pak", which includes TAPDUP. The IMAGE program (pg 2-2) contained there is probably similar or the same. The Master/Slave programs and some more are not in this package. >From the "Hybrid ROM Creation Pak" AUXROM.ASM AUXROM.BAS AUXSHELL.BAS CREATEROM.BAS DATAIO-19.BAS DATAIO-29A.BAS EPROM2.BAS IMAGE.BAS --- 20 ! (program "IMAGE", 09915-90022, p.5-5...5-6) (these page numbers do not refer to the manual 09915-10011) MAINBASIC.BAS RBUILD85S.ASM RBUILD87S.ASM ROMSHELL.ASM TAPDUP.ASM Martin