On Sun, Feb 17, 2019, 15:52 Al Kossow via cctalk <cctalk@classiccmp.org

> it depends on the version of 68701
> P3 has no protection P5 does
> a P3 can be read with a Data I/O Unisite
> http://matthieu.benoit.free.fr/pdf/MC68705P5_Bootstrap_ROM_Listing.pdf
> The P5 is more involved. You put it into factory test mode, feed it a NOP
> instruction
> and it will output the rom data on the I/O pins.
> A variation of that will work on other parts in the series.

Thanks for the info! Pardon the naïve question, but will this procedure
work for the 701? Not sure the differences between in and the 705.



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