On 2/14/2019 9:28 PM, Kevin Monceaux via cctalk wrote: > Classic Computer Fans, > > I posted this to the IBM-Legacy-Hercules mailing list. I just realized it > probably wouldn't hurt to post it here too. > > I'm finally in possession of a box that hopefully is capable or can be made > capable of connecting a real terminal to Hercules. It's a 3174 11L. It was > retired last year where I work. I finally got the okay to save it from > being sent to a scrapper. I love the build quality of older IBM gear, > except when I'm trying to move such gear. Between the 3174 and a 9406-520 I > also acquired, I pulled or strained something in my left arm moving them > into place. > > It's currently wired to run on 220v. I think I've seen mentioned somewhere > that it can be changed to run on 110v. If that's the case, does anyone have > a pointer to documentation on what's involved? > > It has dual floppy drives. At least one drive is a 2.4MB drive. But, all > the microcode disks I have are at level B 4.6. Does anyone know where I can > get a set of C 6.4 control and control extension disks. From what I've > heard those are what's needed to enable an attached terminal to connect to > other systems via telnet. > > It has a token ring card. I will probably be able to get the MAU it was > connected to, and possibly the router that acted as a token ring to Ethernet > bridge. > > I'm not sure how much memory it has. Does anyone have any tips on > determining the amount of memory it has, and/or identifying its boards? > These are the numbers on its boards: > > 9210 > 9351 > 9052 z2 > 9053 > 9501 > > Plus the boards for coax connections. > > >
I have some 3174 floppy disks, but I don't know what - they are not in my inventory. I will put it on my queue to look at them - but it may be a couple of weeks. I don't hold out much hope, but I will look.