
No problem in the link.

As for my system, I've got a z800 (a 2066-0A1 to be exact). It's got ESCON, so 
I've got an Optica converter box of which the model number escapes me; but it's 
the replacement/alternative to the IBM Pacer boxes. That allows bus and tag 
gear to connect up to ESCON channels.

As for converting R to L, I'll play around with stuff. Worst case, I'll just 
buy an 11L and use the 11R for spares or for messing around.


Jim Stefanik
Dallas Vintage Computing Center
From: Kevin Monceaux via cctalk <>
Sent: Thursday, 14 February 2019 23:07
To: General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts
Subject: Re: IBM 3174 C 6.4 Microcode Disks?


On Thu, Feb 14, 2019 at 10:23:30PM -0600, Jim Stefanik via cctalk wrote: 

> Simon Systems should be able to get you the microcode diskettes. I think 
> they charged me around $35 USD when I bought in Nov. 2017.  Send them an 
> email and let them know what you need. 

Thanks!!  I'll check with them. 

> On a side note, I may need to ping you off list...I've got an 11R and I'm 
> curious if it can be converted to an 11L, since I'd prefer to channel 
> attach it to my machine instead of use ethernet. 

Now I'm curious, as others on the list might also be.  What machine do you 
have with bus and tag channels to connect an 11L to? 

Unfortunately I know nothing about converting an 11R to an 11L, or if it's 
even possible. 


Bruceville, TX 

What's the definition of a legacy system? One that works! 
Errare humanum est, ignoscere caninum. 

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