> > > Likely some disk controllers did NOT SUPPORT crossing 64K boundaries! > > > > No; the RK11 spec says "[the two extended memory bits] make up a two-bit > > counter that increments each time the RKBA overflows". > > > > The actual error turns out to be slightly different to my guess; there's > > a spurious overflow from the low 16-bit register to these bits at 0170000. > > Maybe a problem with E29 or E34 on the M795 module?
I am finding this entire discussion extremely fascinating! Every day I look forward to reading the latest twists in the plot. The ideas, hunches, tests, dead ends, and results are an excellent example of the debugging process. I am awaiting the exciting Perry Mason style conclusion, where the guilty chip stands up and confesses on the stand. :-) Alan "Where were you on the night of the crime?" Frisbie